"The mission of United Women of Rockland (UWoR) is to assist women and their families make ends meet while they are recovering from or receiving treatment for major injury or illness."
About UWoR
United Women of Rockland was founded in 2014 to assist women who are struggling not only with illness, but financially as well. They may be faced with insurmountable debt due to their medical bills, inability to work and the difficulties of providing basic daily care-giving to their families and children. Even while facing rigorous and difficult treatment issues, they are still faced with such costly family-related activities such as grocery shopping, back to school supplies and the cost of school or sports activities.
UWoR in Action!
Stay up to date on everything going on with United Women of Rockland!
Do you know someone who could benefit from United Women of Rockland?
Click on the image to right to
download the UWoR Application
and Agreement Form.
You can email the completed
and signed form to:
As you know, there are many fundraisers for different causes here in Rockland County. But, unfortunately, there are a few that may not be on the up and up. In some cases, money donated to help a cause may not actually get to that cause at all. In other cases, money may be raised with the best interest of helping a cause, but without the proper legal and financial protections in place for both the donor and the recipient. We urge you to verify that any entity you donate your money to is an actual non-profit organization with a 501(c)(3) status registered with the IRS. You can check on any organization at www.charitycheck101.org. All you need to research someone soliciting you is the non-profit business name or its Tax ID number.
The Federal Trade Commission also has a great article and resources: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0074-giving-charity
Giving is Great, Be Safe When You Do So!
Reach out to us to learn more about what is going on with United Women of Rockland.
If you are interested in getting involved with UWoR or if you want to learn more about us, then leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
United We Stand
Thank You